Ein neuer virtueller Katalog
Stadt City Ville
2020 / 2021 / 2022

1* Population 2021: 354572
2* Unemployment rate 8.5 %
Unemployment rate Social Security Code III 2.3%
Unemployment rate Social Security Code II 6,2%
Underemployment rate 13.7%
3* People with migration background: approx. 40%
4* Homeless people 2013 approx. 416 persons
Homeless people 2018 approx. 864 persons
Homeless people 2022 approx.
? Persons

1* Figures from the NRW state database
2* Statistics of the Federal Employment Agency
3* Immigration and Integration Department / Wuppertal
4* Social Department / Wuppertal
Various social associations doubt the official figures,
since many people do not report to the competent social
authorities and thus do not appear in various statistics.

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